Tales of the Dragonfly

Award Winning Romance Suspense, Wounded Warrior Romance and New Adult Romance




pj picture

pj webb rince of the bllos 1  pj new cover full size

I’m from New York City. My husband and I had a lucrative business that we lost during the recession in spite of our tremendous effort to save it. After all was said and done, all we had left was our 36’ cabin cruiser, which we planned on using to transport ourselves, and our two cats to Florida. Instead, we broke down in North Carolina, and lived on board for fifteen months.

Eventually, my husband and I met some wonderful people and we decided to stay. He has started a new business which is growing steadily, and when I’m not helping him, I’m writing.

What inspired you to write your first book?

My first book was born out of a desire not to stay up all night worrying about events that were unfolding in my life that were beyond my control. I decided the time could be better spent doing something creative, and so I began to write a story about a character who lost everything and managed to cope with that loss and reinvent himself in the process. You see, my husband and I were about to lose everything we owned including our livelihood.

Why did you choose a vampire as your main character?

As I mentioned, I wanted a character that had lost everything and more. Sebastian, my main character, lost everything including his mortal life. He was someone I could sympathize with, and as I began to write him into being he began to heal me. He was far stronger than I, and that strength of spirit was contagious.

How are you now?

Different. I have an understanding now that nothing ever stays the same. There are just different degrees of change, and it’s not those changes that define us, but what we do with them that matters.

Can you give a brief description of Prince of the Blood’s main character?

While I was creating Sebastian Blood, aka Sebastian Du Sang, he developed a personality and a will entirely of his own. What I mean is, he created his own self into being. I must tell you that the only part that I’m wholly responsible for is his good looks. He is extremely strong-willed, sarcastic at times, and often self-centered, but I think readers will also find him mesmerizing, beguiling and I hope, unforgettable.

Part One-Prince of the Blood-Transformation is your first book in the series. What is the title of your next book and when can we expect its release?

Thank you for asking. The second book, Part Two-Prince of the Blood-Evolution, is scheduled to be released at the end of this month.

Are you working on anything else?

Yes, I’m taking a little break from the Prince of the Blood series. As I mentioned, nothing ever stays the same, so my latest book has nothing to do with vampires. It’s called Lora Lee and is the first in a series about the mysterious goings-on at an old manor home named Cliff House.

In closing, is there anything else you would like to say?

Yes, I would like to thank you for this interview, Tamara. If I were asked to name those authors who have most inspired me, one of them would certainly be you. You’re such a brilliant spirit, and your ability to write such wonderful stories despite your own personal challenges, as well as the time you devote to helping other authors is nothing short of remarkable to me.

PJ Webb





young adult fantasy, action-adventure series,The Secret Watchers

Book 1,Visions – Book 2, Whispers – Book 3, Insights – Book 4, Perceptions

***Mystery Author L. ANTHONY


The South Hills Conspiracy


Author of mystery/thriller



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PJ has been such a FANTASTIC friend to me.  And I’m equally admiring of her as well for having the strength to move forward after facing such devastating disappointments in her life.  Isn’t it funny how many of us turn to writing as therapy as opposed to dwelling on our problems?  tf


  1. I enjoyed this interview a great deal, PJ. You too are a very supportive author.

  2. Thanks for dropping by and choosing to follow my blog, Tammy. Looking forward to chatting:)

  3. I love that you’ve taken tragedy and challenging and not only made something beautiful to share with the world, but also found healing with it. Congratulations and thank you for sharing so openly. It’s an inspiration!

    • Hi Jewel, Thank you for taking the time to read my interview with Tamara. It makes me happy that I’ve been able to inspire you. So many people have been helpful to me along the way regarding my writing, and I just want other authors to know not to give up on your dreams. Who’s to say what might happen tomorrow or even the next minute. Trust in yourself and believe that you have the possibility of doing great things, no matter the obstacles. My very best wishes to you.

  4. Loved this interview ♥ I have read both these books and was completely drawn into the story and characters and keeping my fingers crossed for a book 3.
    Hint! Hint! Nudge! Nudge!
    Pletcha is not only a gifted writer, but an amazing supportive friend too.

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    your followers.

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